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From my heart to yours...

Every other week I send out a free love note for quiet dreamers.

These missives are part poetry, part story, and part everyday practice.

These messages are my field notes from the front lines of living a life that is rich with meaning and wildly courageous.

I’ve designed them to help you live this way, too. 

I believe in the power of words to change us. I believe in the power of pursuing our dreams to shape us into something new.

I believe that when we dare to reclaim our dreams and our deepest yearnings, we reclaim our power to change the world.

I believe that this works best when we come together and find courage in community.

My love notes are designed to bolster your courage and revitalize your dreams.

They’re also my favorite way to connect with you. 

From my heart to yours, these notes are my gift to you. I hope you join me.

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